Exact Online

Field Mappings


Lime CRM Exact Online Comment
Order number N/A Set in Lime CRM based on Order number in ERP system
Invoice number N/A Set in Lime CRM based on the Invoice number if Create invoice from order is true
Invoice N/A Relation will be set when the resulting invoice is booked and created in Lime CRM.
ERP db N/A An internal integration key that can be used when integrating towards several ERP systems, otherwise, always set to the same value.
Company N/A Relation to the customer in Lime CRM.
Customer number N/A Integration key to find the right customer in the ERP system.
Create invoice from order N/A If true, an invoice will automatically be created by the integration based on the Order
Order status N/A Shows the current integration status for each Order.
Customer reference N/A
Coworker N/A
Order date N/A
Currency N/A
Order sum (excl VAT) N/A Can be used to store a calculation summation of the Order Rows
VAT N/A Can be used to store a calculation summation of the Order Rows
Order sum (incl VAT) N/A Can be used to store a calculation summation of the Order Rows
Error message N/A Populated by the integration if any error occurs.

Order Row

Lime CRM Exact Online Comment
Order N/A Relation to the order based on the order number.
Row ID N/A
Description N/A
Article N/A
Quantity N/A
Unit N/A
Price per unit N/A
VAT (%) N/A
Discount (amount) N/A
VAT account N/A
Income account N/A