
Field Mappings


Lime CRM Fortnox Comment
Order number ? Set in Lime CRM based on Order number in ERP system
Invoice number Fakturanr (from the invoice) Set in Lime CRM based on the Invoice number if Create invoice from order is true
Invoice - Relation will be set when the resulting invoice is booked and created in Lime CRM.
ERP db - An internal integration key that can be used when integrating towards several ERP systems, otherwise, always set to the same value.
Company - Relation to the customer in Lime CRM.
Customer number Kundnr (from customer) Integration key to find the right customer in the ERP system.
Create invoice from order - If true, an invoice will automatically be created by the integration based on the Order
Order status - Shows the current integration status for each Order.
Customer reference Er referens
Coworker Vår referens
Order date OrderDatum
Currency Valuta
Order sum (excl VAT) - Can be used to store a calculation summation of the Order Rows
VAT - Can be used to store a calculation summation of the Order Rows
Order sum (incl VAT) - Can be used to store a calculation summation of the Order Rows
Error message - Populated by the integration if any error occurs.

Order Row

Lime CRM Fortnox Comment
Order - Relation to the order based on the order number.
Row ID ?
Description Benämning
Article ArtikelNr
Quantity Levererat antal
Unit Enhet
Price per unit A-pris
VAT (%) Momskod
Discount (amount) Rabatt
VAT account N/A
Income account If the article does not exist in Fortnox, it will be created towards this account